The holiday season is upon us, a time of joy, celebration, and giving. As we revel in the festive spirit and think about the gifts we want to give our loved ones, it’s also a wonderful time to reflect on the power of giving back to our community. Supporting Helping Mamas during the holidays is more than just a donation; it’s a gift of hope, support, and care to families in need.


The holidays are synonymous with the spirit of generosity and compassion. It’s a season where the act of giving brings as much joy to the giver as it does to the receiver. By choosing to support Helping Mamas, you’re not just partaking in a transaction; you’re becoming a part of a larger movement that cherishes and nurtures families during a time when they need it most.


The Impact of Your Gift

Every donation to Helping Mamas makes a tangible difference in the lives of families across East Tennessee. From providing diapers to ensuring access to essential baby supplies and period products, your contributions help alleviate the financial burdens many families face. During the holidays, these challenges can feel even more daunting, and your support can bring much-needed relief and joy.


When you support Helping Mamas, you’re giving a gift that continues to have an impact long after the holiday decorations have been packed away. The supplies and resources we provide help lay the groundwork for healthier, happier families, which in turn strengthens our community. It’s a gift that keeps on giving, echoing through the lives of those you’ve helped.


Why Helping Mamas?

Helping Mamas is the only baby supply bank in East Tennessee, dedicated to connecting families with the resources they need to thrive. Our mission is to elevate the well-being and dignity of women and children in our community by providing essential supplies. During the holiday season, this mission becomes even more poignant as we strive to ensure that every family can experience the joy and warmth of the season.


How You Can Help

There are many ways to support Helping Mamas during the holidays:


Monetary Donations: Monetary contributions allow us to purchase supplies at a lower cost and address the most urgent needs. (Link) 


Donate Supplies: We welcome donations of diapers, baby supplies, and period products. Check our website for a list of the most needed items. (Link) Note:  We will stop taking donations on December 15th because we have to inventory the warehouse, but we will reopen for donations January 4th, 2024. 


Host a Drive: Gather your community, workplace, or family to host a donation drive.


Volunteer: Give the gift of your time by volunteering at our warehouse. We would love to have your group help out in the new year!   (Link)


Supporting Helping Mamas captures the true essence of the holiday spirit – giving, caring, and sharing. It’s about making a positive impact in the world and helping those around us. This holiday season, we invite you to join us in making a difference. Your gift, big or small, will bring holiday cheer to numerous families and make this season a little brighter for those in need.


To learn more about how you can support Helping Mamas this holiday season, visit  our Get Involved Page or stop by our office to pick up a Gift of A Change bag to be filled with essential baby items.  Let’s celebrate this time of giving by truly making a difference in the lives of families across East Tennessee.