National Diaper Need Awareness Week is more than just a week on the calendar. It’s an urgent call to address an often-overlooked issue that affects numerous families across our nation: diaper need. What exactly is diaper need? It’s the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to ensure that infants and toddlers are clean, healthy, and dry. And, given that diapers are not covered by assistance programs like WIC or SNAP, many families find themselves caught in a challenging situation.


Why National Diaper Need Awareness Week Matters

The inception of National Diaper Need Awareness Week stems from the imperative to shed light on this significant, yet often silent, issue. A week dedicated to making people aware, involved, and part of the solution is crucial. After all, every child deserves the basics, and every parent should have the support they need to provide for their young ones.


Our Collective Impact: Numbers that Speak Volumes

This year, during our ‘Fill the Warehouse’ team challenge, the outpour of love, dedication, and contributions was phenomenal. Here’s a snapshot of our impact:


Diapers Galore: We’ve collected a whopping 30,000 diapers, and the count isn’t over yet!

Monetary Contributions: A staggering total of $8,500 was generously donated to further our mission.

A big shoutout to our top contributors!


Diaper Collection Heroes:

Team Premier Athletics Reef and Mako Sharks: Leading the pack with 5,359 diapers.

Team Tonka: Close behind with an impressive 5,005 diapers.

Team Travelers: Making their mark with 4,855 diapers.

Monetary Contribution Champions:

Team First Utility District: Leading generously with $2,043.

Team Jazzercise: Dancing their way into our hearts with $1,452.

Team Travelers: Once again on our list, this time with a remarkable $1,400.

It’s heartening to see the community come together, proving that when we unite, we can achieve wonders!


Ready for Next Year?


Eager to be part of this noble mission next year? We’d love to have you! Join our email list and stay updated on how you can participate, contribute, and make a difference in the next National Diaper Need Awareness Week.


In the end, it’s all about collective effort, awareness, and a heart that wants to make a difference. Here’s to more years of filling warehouses and ensuring no child is left in need!