

Helping Mamas collects and distributes essential child and baby items from our warehouse in Knoxville, TN. Working with over 70 partner agencies throughout East Tennessee we provide critical items like diapers, wipes, car seats, cribs, pack and plays, and more. We provide items for children birth to age 12.

Period Poverty Program

In Tennessee, 1 in 6 women and girls between the ages of 12 and 44 live below the Federal Poverty Line. Our Period Poverty Program is here to help our region by supplying them with period products.

Helping Mamas works with school districts, shelters, health departments, and other organizations to make sure that no one is left behind because of period poverty. In 2024 we distributed over 314,000 period products to the community, causing period hygiene products to be our second most-distributed item.

Nursery Needs Program

Our Nursery Needs Program provides critical baby supplies and resources to high-risk families during the first four months of a child’s life. Through partnerships with community agencies, we proactively support parents by supplying essentials like diapers, car seats, and safe sleep options.

The program targets families already receiving WIC, SNAP, or Tenncare to streamline eligibility, reduce stress, and ensure child safety.

Safe Ride Program

In Tennessee, motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of child fatalities, with improper restraint a contributing factor in over a third of these cases. Our partners report that many parents, unable to afford suitable car seats, are forced to use seats that don’t fit their child’s size or age. The Safe Ride Program addresses this critical need and we have distributed over 650 car seats to date.

By providing new, age-appropriate car seats, this program ensures families can safely transport their newborns home from the hospital, offering parents peace of mind on the road.

Safe Sleep Program

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants sleep in a crib, bassinet, or CPSC-approved cradle in the parents’ room and discourages co-sleeping. Although SIDS rates have decreased since the early 1990s, other sleep-related infant deaths—such as suffocation and asphyxia—have risen. By providing pack ‘n plays with our Safe Sleep Program, we are addressing these preventable risks.

Helping Mamas Knoxville’s distribution of nearly 500 pack ‘n plays is making a vital impact on safe sleep practices for infants in Tennessee.

Fill The Warehouse Program

Helping Mamas is committed to addressing the essential needs of families by providing diapers, wipes, and clothing to those facing financial hardship. Our mission is to relieve families from having to choose between essential items like food, rent, and diapers, allowing them to focus on crucial pursuits like work, job training, or education.

Items such as diapers, wipes, and clothing are more than just an essential need—they’re a pathway to stability and opportunity for families.

Mobile Program

Our mobile program is to get critical basic need items directly into communities. Our van can often be seen at schools, libraries, and churches hosting distribution days.

We take our van where there is great need and little resources or transportation. Everyone should have access to basic needs. Our van makes sure that communities and families have access to these items to help them thrive!

Visit Instagram for our upcoming Mobile Distributions