Diaper need— the inability to provide sufficient diapers for babies— it affects countless families across Tennessee. With 42% of infants and toddlers living under 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL), many parents struggle to afford basic supplies like diapers. A study by the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) reveals that access to diapers positively impacts employment, childcare, and health outcomes for families. When diapers are provided through community-based diaper banks, children experience fewer diaper rashes, urinary tract infections, and emergency room visits, allowing parents to focus on work or school, and significantly reducing healthcare costs.

The cost of diapers is a significant financial burden for low-income families. For instance, the average monthly diaper cost represents 21% of a family’s TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) benefits. For households earning under $25,000, this essential expense becomes nearly impossible to afford. With 81% of families receiving diapers still working and 12% holding two jobs, the economic strain remains intense.

Moreover, the impact on childcare is profound. Childcare providers typically require families to bring their own diapers, and 92% of families need childcare to attend work or school. Without access to diapers, many families are unable to take advantage of these services, resulting in missed work, job opportunities, or education.

This data highlights the critical importance of diaper banks, such as Helping Mamas, which help bridge the gap for families facing diaper need. Addressing this crisis isn’t just about providing diapers—it’s about supporting the well-being, health, and economic stability of families across Tennessee. To make a real difference, more community and policy-based support is needed to ensure that every child has access to clean diapers, which is a basic, yet essential, need.

At Helping Mamas, we are on a mission to bridge this gap by providing families in need with access to essential baby items, including diapers. During National Diaper Need Awareness Week, we’re launching our Fill the Warehouse campaign, with a goal of collecting 50,000 diapers to help meet the rising demand in our community. With the cost of living increasing, we are struggling to keep up with the growing need, and that’s why we need your help now more than ever.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate Diapers: Drop off diapers at our warehouse or send diapers directly through our wishlist.
  • Monetary Donations: Your financial contribution allows us to purchase diapers and other essentials in bulk, ensuring we can support more families.
  • Spread the Word: Share our mission with your network to raise awareness and inspire others to get involved.

Every diaper donated helps a family take one step closer to stability, health, and a brighter future. Join us in filling our warehouse and making a real difference in the lives of families in our community!

Together, we can ensure that no baby goes without a clean diaper.