As National Diaper Need Awareness Week (Sept 18-24, 2023) approaches, we’re calling on compassionate hearts to rally behind families in need by participating in our impactful “Fill the Warehouse Team Challenge.” Diaper need is a silent crisis that affects countless families across the United States, and the statistics are alarming. Let’s delve into the facts that underscore the urgency of the issue and how you can be part of the solution.

Understanding the Diaper Need Crisis:

The statistics paint a stark picture of the challenges faced by families struggling to provide essential diapers for their children:

  • In Tennessee, a staggering 25% of children under the age of 3 are living in families earning less than 100% of the federal poverty level.
  • Nationally, 1 in 2 families wrestles with the challenge of affording diapers, a basic necessity for their little ones.
  • A heart-wrenching 28% of parents experiencing diaper need are forced to skip meals in order to afford diapers for their children.
  • In the year 2022, Helping Mamas played a pivotal role by providing 1.5 million diapers to families in need, highlighting the impact that community effort can achieve.
  • However, in 2023, the need in our community has doubled due to economic inflation, making it more crucial than ever to step up and make a difference.


Ways to Get Involved:

  • Donate Diapers: Your donation of diapers can directly alleviate the stress faced by families in our community. These diapers will be sent directly to our warehouse and distributed to those in need.
  • Monetary Donations: If you’re unable to donate diapers, making a monetary contribution goes a long way in meeting the increased demand and helping families provide for their children.
  • Join the Helping Mamas Team Challenge: We invite all types of groups to participate, from corporate supporters and civic groups to local clubs, neighborhood associations, and friend and family groups.

Team Challenge Details:

  • Each participating team, whether it’s a group of colleagues or a collection of friends, is encouraged to raise a minimum of $500 or contribute 2,000 diapers.
  • Our dedicated Helping Mamas staff will assist in creating a personalized donation link for your team. This link can be shared as you reach out to your network for support.
  • Additionally, you’ll receive guidance on setting up a fundraising page for your team, making it easier for your supporters to contribute to the cause.
  • An optional team volunteer day is scheduled for September 22, from 10 AM to 12 PM, offering an opportunity for your team to come together and make an impact on-site.


National Diaper Need Awareness Week is a time to stand together and make a lasting impact. By participating in the “Fill the Warehouse Team Challenge,” you’re directly contributing to improving the lives of families in need. Together, we can ensure that no child has to endure the discomfort of diaper scarcity. Join us in this endeavor to bring a positive change to families’ lives, one diaper at a time.


Take the first step today and be a part of the “Fill the Warehouse Team Challenge.” Your support is pivotal in shaping a better future for our community. Let’s create a world where every child has access to clean diapers and the opportunity to thrive.


Join the Challenge Here!